Gabriel Vargas
Gabriel Vargas

Boxing Experience: 10 years

Training Experience: 15 years

Tough Mudders Finalist: 2013

Squats: 450 lbs

Deadlifts: 400 lbs

Bench Press: 315 lbs


ISSA CPT Certification

Head Coach

Gabriel Vargas

I learned very early on that life is hard and can be very challenging. Through working out and boxing I found ways to channel my hardships into positive habits. It allowed me to become an entrepreneur in the fitness world and other business avenues. My aim now is to build up others to be healthy and conquer their dreams and goals.
In a moment when life seemed to stand still, I found myself grappling with overwhelming circumstances and an immense loss that shook me to my core. It became crystal clear that if I didn't strengthen both my mind and body, I might lose myself in the darkness that threatened to engulf me. In those challenging times, I uncovered an astonishing revelation - I had the power not only to rise from the depths of despair but also to emerge with a newfound strength and resilience that surpassed anything I had ever known before.

My purpose for coaching is to improve physical health in hopes that it transfers to emotional and mental health. I'm passionate about serving anyone who is determined to grow, however, my deepest passion lies in guiding and molding the youths.